Planet Stories was an American pulp science fiction magazine, published between 1939 and 1955. It featured interplanetary adventures, both in space and on other planets, and managed to obtain work from well-known names, including Isaac Asimov and Clifford Simak. In 1952, Planet Stories published Philip K. Dick's first sale, and went on to print more of his stories over the next years. This Super Pack features 31 of the very best stories from the magazine, and is guaranteed to give you many hours of reading pleasure and excitement.
Stories included:
The Gun by Philip K. Dick
Solar Stiff by Chas. A. Stopher
Narakan Rifles, about Face! by Jan Smith
Lord of a Thousand Suns by Poul Anderson
Bride of the Dark One by Florence Verbell Brown
The Man Who Staked the Stars by Charles Dye
What Hath Me? by Henry Kuttner
Master of the Moondog by Stanley Mullen
One Purple Hope! by Henry Hasse
Black Amazon of Mars by Leigh Brackett
The Wealth of Echindul by Noel Loomis
Asteroid of Fear by Raymond Z. Gallun
Zero Data by Charles Saphro
The Woman-Stealers of Thrayx by Fox B. Holden
Out of the Iron Womb! by Poul Anderson
The Golden Amazons of Venus by John Murray Reynolds
Captives of the Thieve-Star by James H. Schmitz
B-12's Moon Glow by Charles A. Stearns
Star Ship by Poul Anderson
George Loves Gistla by James Mckimmey, Jr.
The Eyes of Thar by Henry Kuttner
Big Pill by Raymond Z. Gallun
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